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Artist Biography

Lily Walovich is a photographer living in Olympia Washington. Her human centered approach to photography has recently lead her to explore intimate self portraiture. She graduated from The Evergreen State College in June of 2024 and will be starting her MFA at SVA (School of Visual Arts) in New York in the Fall of 2024.  


Walovich's photographic journey began in 2020 during the pandemic. A creative outlet grounded her while the world around her shook.  It was during this time she began to explore healing from personal experiences through art. Her camera has given her a voice, one that speaks with pixels. 


She often hears the word "vulnerable" when her work is described to her.  For a long time she felt uncomfortable with this word being used to describe her work but now she leans into this discomfort with the hope that her work will create a space for others to find comfort within themselves. 

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